I am a year 10 student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Tuia writing
Monday, October 14, 2019
Free writing (holiday)
In the holidays I worked with my nan and papa for the first week. On the second week of the school holidays I had Kapa haka on Monday I had a day practice which was from 9am to 3pm we were working so hard because we have our kapa haka nationals coming up I am so excited. On Tuesday we had another day practice from 9am to 3pm we were working so had again and we were so overworked. From Wednesday to Friday we had a wananga and got overworked again and the we got to have a rest on Saturday and Sunday. Then Monday we had school.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Free Writing ( ski camp )
Ski camp!!!!
Last week the year 7 & 8 went on camp and we went down to Mount Ruapehu it was so exhausting but super fun at the same time . Day 1 : we were heading down to Mount Ruapehu we do a little bit of stopping to go toilet and to have a kai. Day 2 : it was our first day of skiing and we got a 2 hour lesson and then we got free time for the rest of the day. Day 3 : We got to have free time until 11 am and then at 11 am we got another lesson of how to tern fast and something else. Day 4 : we went to the Army museum for like the first hour we got told all the rule and that then after that we got to have a tour around the museum. After all that we got to go out side and make us lunch our lunch was what the soldiers would eat it was yum but not yum at the same time. When we finished eating we had to clen up and wash our dishes. After that we went back inside and said thank you and sang a few songs and then left . Day 5 : We were on our way back to school.
Last week the year 7 & 8 went on camp and we went down to Mount Ruapehu it was so exhausting but super fun at the same time . Day 1 : we were heading down to Mount Ruapehu we do a little bit of stopping to go toilet and to have a kai. Day 2 : it was our first day of skiing and we got a 2 hour lesson and then we got free time for the rest of the day. Day 3 : We got to have free time until 11 am and then at 11 am we got another lesson of how to tern fast and something else. Day 4 : we went to the Army museum for like the first hour we got told all the rule and that then after that we got to have a tour around the museum. After all that we got to go out side and make us lunch our lunch was what the soldiers would eat it was yum but not yum at the same time. When we finished eating we had to clen up and wash our dishes. After that we went back inside and said thank you and sang a few songs and then left . Day 5 : We were on our way back to school.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Free Writing ( Netball brake up )
On the Weekend My netball teams and I went to Whangarei and we went to flip out it was amazingly fun because one of our coaches gave us a challenge to do. When we finished at flip out we went to the whangarei wave pool it was amazingly fun like it was at flip out.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Report Writing about bees
For the pass 3 weeks we have working on our writing which is based on bees. So I thought I could show you my published writing I have bee working on.Oh and did you know that A bee produces a teaspoon of honey (about 5 grams) in her lifetime ? Hope you enjoy my writing
Free writing ( fun run )
On Monday we had a fun run and it was fun as, because the year 7's & 8's got have a mud fight and we even got to jump in the creek but the sad thing was when we first started the mud fight Mr Owen on of the teacher aids he told us that we weren't aloud to have one but we did and we even chucked so mud at him. Here's a photo of me and Ebony and video.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Free writing
On the Weekend I had kapa haka and netball it was fun, our kapa haka started on Friday and my netball was on Saturday. My netball team and I won our game the score was 22-9 we smoked them we were all so happy that we won and now we are going to the finals. Now our finals is on Friday night I am so excited. HAPPY BLOGGING WITH YOU
Monday, August 5, 2019
Free Writing
On Saturday their was a grand final in Moerewa which was the adult M oerewa tigers and Waima crushers there were some kids that played from the tiger and the Waima crushes. After that there were some more kids playing,then after them it was finaly the adults moerewa tigers and waima crushers
oh and not to bribe but the tigers won they were undefetabel all season.
oh and not to bribe but the tigers won they were undefetabel all season.
Friday, August 2, 2019
Weekly 3
Today in class we had to do weekly 3 if you don't know what weekly 3 is it's a maths slide that we have to do every Friday it's really fun and I recommend it.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Free writing about my holiday
During the holiday I went to Australia for my little cousins birthday it was cool and then after all that the rest of the days I was there my family and I went to nearly all the theme parks. We even went to top golf sadly I came second and my papa came first I'ed rather be first than second. When we got back from Australia we went the movies and watched the lion king it was cool but sad at the same time especially when scar kills Mufasa. The End nice blogging with you
Thursday, July 4, 2019
ANZAC writing
In class this term we have been learning about Anzac in Gallipoli so I have chose to write a report writing about Gallipoli world war 1 and how they got on to land from there ship.
Gallipoli World War 1
During World War 1, Gallipoli was important to us because it was where there was a big battle and where many of the soldiers got wounded and got shot. It is important because there were soldiers from New Zealand that fought for their family, us, and for their country. Did you know that Gallipoli is in Turkey?
Battle at Gallipoli
In 1915 the Turks and the Germans were battling with British and the French in Gallipoli. Anzacs were sent to help their allies . Soldiers were shipped most of the way to Gallipoli but then they would of had to get off the ship and hope on the long boats and rowed to land. The soldiers had been sent to the wrong landing place and were ambushed by the Turks.
Tragedy at Gallipoli
50,000 Australia served in Gallipoli campaign 5482 killed in action 2012 died of wounds 665 died of disease total deaths 8159, 17,924 wounded 70 prisoners of war.The soldiers knew that winning was impossible. 16.697 New Zealand were killed and 41,317 were wounded during the war thousand of men died within five years of the war's end, as a result. 507 died while training in New Zealand between 1914 and 1918.
Gallipoli today
During the First World War. Signallers played a vital role conveying orders to the front line and sending up-to-date information back to headquarters. They were also well placed to disseminate information informally
The end of 1915 marked the end of the battle for the anzac . Today we remember ANZAC day and remember those that fought in the war
Tuna and Takakau
Last week we have tuna and takakau people had to bring a short fin eel until Wednesday the reason why we had to bring short fin eels is because the long fin eel and going existence, the person with the biggest girth,weight and longest length was me I had all of them for my weight it was 5kg ,length 86.5cm and the girth was 15.5cm after all of that some people made some creative takakau we even had it with some yummy hangi and there was a prize for the tasty and the creative designed takakau. It was great seeing family members coming in to class and they see their kids or Grandchild's learning.
These photos are of me and my tuna and the people that weighed in
Two of theses people had long fins .
Monday, June 24, 2019
On Saturday we had a netball game and unfortunately we had lost. We vs our own school it was fun but it was competitive at the same time. What I could improve on by our next Saturday is to get in front of the other player and my passing .Over all I think we played extremely good. After that I went to go and watch the Moerewa tigers vs the Kerikeri makos. We won (The Moerewa tigers) the score was 80-0 I was so happy that the makos didn't get any try and at least they were trying and never giving up.Then after that I went to Mc Donald's to eat it was delicious.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Published Writing
In class this term we have been learning about first encounters in New Zealand so i have chose to write about how James cook
First came to New Zealand and had his first encounter with Maori.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Bee Design
In room 5 & 6 we are getting bees behind our class. When we got told that we were having the bees behind our class we had to do research and create a design what can be behind our classroom what will it look like. Here is my teams perspective.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Te Reo
For the past 2 terms we have been learning Maori with Whaea Whetu we learned how to use it in different sentences, I really enjoy having Whaea Whetu an hour a week . Only thing I think is hard is that once we've finish what we have learnt we had to get up in front of the class and say it in front of everybody after all I hope you enjoyed.
Monday, June 10, 2019
On Saturday we had a netball game and we had sadly lost 8 to 15. I would have to say they were really good something I could improve on by our next Saturday is to get in front of the other player and my passing .Over all I think we played really good and we will win next time.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Rocket challenge
This week in class we have been learning how to make a rocket out of different things such as bottles, ice cream lids and hot glue. we had to get into groups and make one, I had so much fun making it and working with my group I can't wait until we get to launch it.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Last week On Thursday some people came in to talk about a website called scratch, scratch is a sprite you can make it move with motion, looks, events and control you can do a lot of things they are doing it to both of our senior class room 6 and 5 the program that they do is called Raranga Matihiko. Like last year we went to Waitangi to check out their different apps like stop motion, V.R, green screen and much more cool things they even showed us about some history but this year we are going back to Waitangi to look at some more new things to do on technology.This is going to be really really fun !
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Maths Road
This is my fraction Maths street, so we had to make a street as you can see and we had to make at least 10 houses and have at least 6 fraction questions about the houses. So this is the street I made and we had to name it so I named it Maths road. My questions are 1.1/10 of the houses have a for sale sign.2. 5/10 of the houses have cactuses. 3. 4/10 of the houses have orange cars . 4. 5/10 of the houses have pet monkeys. 5. 2/10 of the houses have triangle windows. 6. 4/10 of the houses have red doors. So enjoy and I can't wait to see your comment :)
Monday, May 20, 2019
20 min Writing
On the weekend I went to netball and unfortunately we had lost. The score was 17 to them and 15 to us. It was a really close game thought we all played really good together and it was one of our best games we had played attested them, they were so good and they had deserved to win when they had only 6 players and we had 7 players . After that I went to Mc Donald's to eat and then after that we went to watch the Moerewa tiger vs the Ngatikahu sharks. The tiger won the score was 40 to the tigers and 22 to the Ngatikahu sharks .
Monday, May 13, 2019
Carpool karaoke Free writing
Last week we had only a couple of days to get our Assembly ready. We were all so excited and nervous about what we had to do.We all chose to do a carpool karaoke, so today I have chosen to share the carpool karaoke and the bloopers. It was so much fun and funny doing it with my friends.Here it is.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
20 min Writing
The mist came down. The dark damp winding path went through the pines trees on the steep mountain side that nobody lived on boom! What was that I said. It was a tree that fell down. Where can I go now it's dark cold and I'm hungry I don't know how much longer I can go I said to myself I was hungry cold and tired not knowing what to do I could hear a soft voice and I look up and in the distance I could see a small figure it looked like a girl but I couldn't be sure what it was. The soft voice got louder and louder I didn't know if I should be scared or thrilled that there was someone here , as the voice came closer to me and I had a closer look at the figure and it was my best friend Linda she had came out looking for me after I had ran away I guess she wanted to know if I was alright.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
This week was my first week back at school and finally term 2 I couldn't wait to see my friends and get on doing some work so here is something I enjoyed doing. So me and my buddy have been focusing on our 3 rs (respect,responsible and resilient). We finished our document on Monday but still added touch ups. I agree that My buddy and I have enough information for this subject on each sub title, I also wouldn't mind doing this again or doing something based around this.After all enjoy this blog post and use these luminous tips at school.
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Work to do in class
Listening to the teacher
Putting equipment away
Picking your things up
Not talking when the teacher is talking
Being on the correct site
Presenting work to the classroom
Working in different pairs or partners
People singing
People sitting quietly
Waiting for the speaker to finish talking
People taking their shoes and socks off
Keeping to your hands to yourself
Speaking in taumata
Assembly Time
Sitting quietly
Not taking when the other person is talking on the microphone
Speaking loud enough so people can hear you
Going up to get your certificate
Putting in its home (where it belongs)
Holding it probably when it’s eating time
Not playing with it when you are not meant to be
If you lose it find it or own up for it
Group time
Not talking when other people are talking
Helping others that need help
Going to your group and not going on your chromebook
Putting in the bin
Picking up rubbish
Put it in the bin not your pocket
If you drop your rubbish don’t walk past it pick it up
Class clean up/Jobs
Putting the chairs up
Picking up rubbish on the floor
Not mucking around with friends
Doing your jobs
And not leaving the classroom
Clean with everyone not just stand there and do nothing or pretend
Going to the toilet/bathroom
Flushing the toilet once you finish having a number 1 or number 2
Not mucking around and talking to your mates in the toilets.
Cleaning up after you self and putting it in the bin or flushing your turd down
If your having a problem ask the teacher
Food area/equipment
Clean after yourself don’t be a pig
Turning it off after you use it
Putting your rubbish in the bin after eating
Don’t touch other peoples chromebooks
This week was my first week back at school and finally term 2 I couldn't wait to see my friends and get on doing some work so here is something I enjoyed doing. So me and my buddy have been focusing on our 3 rs (respect,responsible and resilient). We finished our document on Monday but still added touch ups. I agree that My buddy and I have enough information for this subject on each sub title, I also wouldn't mind doing this again or doing something based around this.After all enjoy this blog post and use these luminous tips at school.
Zipping it up
Putting it in the chromebook box at the end of the day
Don’t drink or eat by the chromebook
Holding it with two hands
If you take it home bring it back charged
Monday, April 29, 2019
20 min writing
This term we are doing a lot of fun stuff and I think its going to be really fun this term I am looking forward to going to the Waitangi treaty grounds, doing netball,going to nationals for kapa haka and doing this cool rocket challenge. This for school my goals are 1.for Writing this term is to try get to 4p by the end of this term .To start writing sentences with different types of language and lengths. And to use structure and language and learn all of the different way ,punctuation and ideas. 2. for Reading this term is to try find all the key words and to read harder books . 3. for Math this term is to learn my !,x, fractions and division. I need to explain what I am doing to people in my group. and my extra goal for this term is to do all my work on time and at my best ability .
Monday, April 8, 2019
ANZAC poem
This week we have been learning about ANZAC day. i chose to write this poem about what ANZAC day means to me, i hope this poem tells you a little bit about what i think about ANZAC day. Fun fact ANZAC day means Australia and New Zealand army corps
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Woman Suffrage
Invisible woman
Throughout the past week our class have been focusing on "Our woman suffrage".We had to write a poem about them (what are they wearing,what they look like)We also had to research about them and try find facts to add in to out poem.But I hope you like my poem happy blogging with you :)
Friday, March 22, 2019
Christchurch poem
Monday, March 18, 2019
20min wirting
On Monday morning we are doing 20 minutes of free writing.free writing is when we get to write about anything ,here is mine For This week i hope you enjoy This Peace Of Writing It is Called Imagination I hope you enjoy
My Imagination
There in a forest ,it is some one taking a photo of the bird, the bird is colorful, the bird is small, the bird is some ones pet , It is a bird looking in a camera.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Chess piece
This week we have been looking at different ways to present our work. We had to go to note.ly and write a poem about an object, i chose to write about a chess piece and use all the words we had into a poem.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Best friend poem

The sound of trumpets beats through the air while the cheers of the audience blast through my ear. I zoom through the curtain with sparkling bright clothes while i perform all my tricks ¨man what a great show!". Jumping & turning twisting and more but suddenly one move had a great fall. The crowd goes silent while all my friends gasp! "this isn't for me..I'm just a giraffe!" i run out of the circus with nowhere to go?! i was afraid,scared & still felt alone.Hours later i was locked in a cage captured again while i still felt afraid. I hear small footsteps getting closer & closer, a small little creature stood looking at me while she holds out her hand "ill set you free". She leads me away while this nightmare had end not long after she became my best friend.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Kawa of Care
This week we have been learning about the kawa of care. the kawa of care are rules on how to look after your Chromebooks. it teachers you how to be responsible. this was really fun to do and work with other people.
Inspirational Quotes
Kia ora , Welcome to my blog. Today in room 6 we have been doing some inspirational quotes to put up around our school for students to look at. I hope this quote makes your day, Enjoy
Monday, March 4, 2019
20min Writing
On Monday mornings we are doing 20 minutes of free writing.free writing is when we get to write about anything here is mine For This week i hope you enjoy This Peace Of My Writing It is Called Imagination I hope you enjoy
One day there was a wizard that made the roads and cars go in the middle of the ocean and the waves were surrounding all the cars and the people .
Monday, February 25, 2019
20min writing
On Monday mornings we are starting to do 20 minutes of free writing.free writing is when we get to write about anything here is mine For This week i hope you enjoy This Peace Of My Writing It is Called my Imagination I hope you enjoy
My Imagination
once upon a time there was a gigantic,ugly and disgusting troll That came down to a little village. And started to standing on people standing cars taking roofs off houses.
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